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Posted By Topic: Help needed       - Views: 24
11-Feb 2023 Saturday 4:06 PM (588 days ago)               #1
Junior Member

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I couldn't login the chat is there any other way to login?


11-Feb 2023 Saturday 4:12 PM (588 days ago)            #2
Junior Member

Posts: 12
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I logout and back in but couldn't get back in pls help

11-Feb 2023 Saturday 4:12 PM (588 days ago)            #3

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For Andriod Users  

1st : Download AndroIRC from google playstore.

Open AndroIRC.

Step 2: Setup connection to rizon
a. Press the menu button on your phone and go to More>Options>Servers
a1. Press the menu button on your phone and press "add server"

b. Add/Edit Server Information
Name - Rizon (Shouldn't matter what you call it)
Address -
Port - 6667
Password - N/A
Nickname - *Insert the nick you want to use *
Alternative - *Insert your alternative nick (in case your primary nickname is taken)
Secured Connection - Unchecked
Use SSL certificate - Unchecked
SSL certificate filename - N/A
Auto-Connect - Checked (If you open AndroIRC, you will be automatically connected to Rizon)
Auto-Join Channels - Checked
HL List - *Insert other nicknames you may go by* (for me I put "Moses" and "Holy")

The rest of the Server info isn't required, but is recommended to secure your account if you haven't already.

Pretty Important for logging into IRC quickly!!
Custom IRC commands - *here you can insert known IRC commands*
(They will be automatically sent out when connection is made)
There are 2 major commands that really help you log in quickly

1. /msg NickServ identify *Password* ( if you have registered your nick . If not then just ignore )
2. /join #asianbookie ( Most important command for you to join our chat ) 


c. Pressing the back button on your phone should automatically save the server information

Step 3: Testing and Use
a. Return back to the menu screen

b. press the menu button on your phone and select "connect"
b1. Connect to "Rizon" (or whatever you named it in the setup)

c. If you have auto-connect and auto-join checked from the setup, you should be immediately connected to either the SMP or Classic server IRC channels.

I think is other alternative. 

Peace be with you.

Underwear Rocks.

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Bolametrix Quantitative Research
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ZionSys  1 Likes  
11-Feb 2023 Saturday 4:12 PM (588 days ago)            #4

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Can u pls provide more details? Also have a read @

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